R-Soma Performance's Free Training & Updates Watch Preview
Welcome to our Site - It's FREE to join to learn about our online services:
Click on the Join Program to start training with us for fitness, in which you'll receive our Stronger Core E-Book Manual, which comes with:
- Daily exercises are designed to define and strengthen your entire core, including your abs, obliques, and back muscles.
- Along with bonus training videos for proper forms and more...
- A fat-burning nutrition strategy that aims to help you feel energized, improve your health, and turn your body into a natural fat-burning machine
Then, we'd like to introduce you to Fitness Meditation or Qigong (Movement Meditation) to decrease stress, empower your breath, increase your range of motion for bone health, and more...
We believe that a strong & lean core comes from two forces:
1) Internal: how you nourish your body
2) External: how you move your body
In conclusion, you'll automatically be added to our Free Community for daily/weekly updates, or you can click here to read our latest posts.
R-Soma Performance's Community (Free To Join)
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Welcome & How To Navigate inside this Training Platform
Stronger Core Part I
Stronger Core E-book Manual
Warm-Up & Proprioception
Complete Training session with Bonuses!
Food & Mood Journal
Food & Mood Journal Guide
Discover how different foods can influence your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.